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  • Product Images: The secret conversion-rate killer

Product Images: The secret conversion-rate killer

Hey there,

Welcome back to the 8th edition of Brandish

Your guide to crafting an iconic brand

I hope you’re having a great day, and are already crushing your to-do list

In this week’s newsletter, we’ll talk about product images

Product images are super important for a variety of reasons:

A) If your product images look bad, the consumer will immediately devalue your brand

B) Great product images can have a significant impact on your conversion rate

The reason why they can have a significant impact on your conversion rate is simple.

Some people want to consume via written content (i.e text on a website) and others through visual content (i.e through images)

Without great product images, you neglect the second group (which is quite a big chunk of people)

Now -

In this newsletter, I’ll walk through my 5-step framework for thinking through what product images to shoot, design, and test

Kick your feet up, crack open your Brez, and let’s get going

My 5-step Framework

Different product obviously require different types of product images, but this framework has been helpful for me to think through what exactly I need for each brand

Big captions & problem/solution oriented

If you’re selling a problem-solving product, you should definitely consider having product images where you have a model (ideally your target demo) using the product, with a sales caption the image as well.

This helps the user really understand what your product can help them with, in case they are still slightly confused

Here are some examples

Social proof

Similar to how you have social proof in your ads and landing pages, your product images on your PDP should be no exception

Here’s a good example


Collages are a great way to showcase:

- Different use cases of the product

- Different features of the product

- Detailed shots of the material

A collage is typically 2-3 images, put into the frame of 1 image.

Here’s a good example

Before and after

If you can show visible and noticeable results of your product, then this is a no-brainer to have.

Here’s a good example

Size & material

Of course, when you’re selling online - your customer can’t touch and feel your product

And therefore, it’s critical that you find a way to visually show the materials and the measurements in some way - in case that’s an important part of the buying process for your product.

Okay, but how do I get these banger product photos?

One of the worst things I know is paying a ton of $$$ for a professional product photography session, where 90% of the content turns out to be useless

After +10 years in eComm, I’ve used my fair share of product photography studios - but I’ve never stumbled upon anyone who’s even remotely as good as soona studios

Here’s why:

  • Live shoot: You can do your photo shoot remotely, yet still be there live to make sure that the photographer gets the exact shots you want

  • You don’t pay for the useless content; You only pay for what you like

  • They can do the model sourcing for you, without charging an arm and a leg

If you’re looking for a place to upgrade your product photography, soona is the place.

Thanks for reading along

As always, thanks a lot for reading along.

Will see you again next week.

Till then

Stay Creative
